About Us

The Centre for Public Mental Health is an evidence repository focused on population-level programs that improve mental health outcomes in India. The programs are drawn from Bhargava and Mor (2024), a synthesis of effective interventions implemented across various countries.

This website serves as a living repository, regularly updated to showcase interventions that support researchers, policymakers, and implementing partners in discovering what works to improve mental health outcomes.

Mental Health in India: Path to Zero

In India, 200 million people are estimated to be living with poor mental health conditions. Eight out often not receiving treatment further compounds the problem. Without interventions that collectively target mental health promotion, prevention, treatment and recovery, we expect this burden of disease to double by 2040. Given the multifactorial nature of mental health – biological, genetic, environmental, psychological, and socioeconomic factors – we will require a systems-level approach to improve the quality of life that is accessible and affordable to every person. This strategy paper focuses on interventions to reduce the disease burden by addressing the underlying risk factors and building healthier environments, strengthening public health through promotive interventions, surveillance, and regulations, to timely understand the changing needs of the population. In order to respond to people living with a mental health illness, we will require a dense network of primary care providers(formal and informal) who are adequately resourced and capable of responding to it. Through a coordinated collaborative care model, bridging primary care providers, hospital care, communities, families, and the individual, we will be able to provide a continuum of care and better health outcomes in the long-term.

Founding Team

  • Saleem Asaria

    Partner, Lightrock and Chairman, Sukoon

  • Nachiket Mor

    Visiting Scientist, The Banyan

  • Iti Bhargava

    Lead - Research & Policy, Sukoon

  • Dr. Somnath Chatterji

    Ex-NIMHANs, Ex-WHO

  • Swathy Rohit

    Founder, Health Basix

Mannotsava 2024 - Prevention is Better Than Cure

Mannotsava is a Mental Health Festival designed to unite the public, healthcare professionals, researchers, artists and community advocates on a shared platform. ​ Listen to Dr Nachiket Mor (Advisor), Dr Vidita Vaidya, and Dr Jahnavi Phalkey go into detail about mental health prevention.