Unite for Better Life

Ages 18+

Reduce stress by improving gender attitudes for adults

Reduces stress by improving gender practices to reduce IPV

UBL (Unite for a Better Life) is a gender-transformative program that reduces intimate partner violence (IPV) through participatory skills-building sessions. It promotes gender-equitable attitudes and behaviors among men, women, and couples.

Evidence Base

Unite for a Better Life (UBL) is a gender-transformative program that aims to reduce intimate partner violence (IPV) and HIV transmission in rural Ethiopia. The program is a participatory group program that involves skills-building sessions delivered during Ethiopian coffee ceremonies. UBL includes three gender-transformative curricula: Women's UBL, Men's UBL, and Couples' UBL. Evidence of the program (Leight et al., 2021) has helped to broaden the understanding of effective strategies to build gender-equitable attitudes and behaviours. A cluster randomised controlled trial (cRCT) found that men's UBL is effective in reducing IPV, both sexual and physical, in both men and women. The intervention may also help to accelerate progress towards gender equality and combating HIV/AIDS.


Lead Levels


Psychological First-Aid