Psycho-Social Stimulation

Ages 0-3 Years

A home-based psycho-social stimulation training for mothers

Building resilience through early childhood stimulation

Home-based Early Childhood Development (ECD) programs train mothers to engage in interactive play, promoting non-cognitive skills in children. Such interactions lead to long-term benefits in social, emotional, and cognitive development.

Evidence Base

To promote non-cognitive skills in children (Kautz et al., 2014) and reduce the risk of mental illness(National Research Council (US) and Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Integrating the Science of Early Childhood Development, 2000), provide home-based training to mothers to play and interact with their children. In a home-based Early Childhood Development (ECD) intervention (Gertler et al., 2014) from Jamaica, community health workers were trained to visit mothers weekly and encouraged and instructed mothers on how to play and interact with their children. At a 20-year follow-up of the cohort, researchers found that the intervention improved social and emotional skills, cognitive development, and behavioural outcomes(Gertler et al., 2021).


Non-Cognitive Skills


National Rural Employment Guarantee